NCRN Newsletter

NCRN Fall Meeting Held in NYC

Over 30 people attended NCRN's Fall meeting in New York City September 11-12. Read more about the meeting here. [Full Story Here]

Focus on Research Node: Cornell University

Nancy Bates New Research Coordinator

Nancy Bates is the new NCRN Census Coordinator, replacing Dan Weinberg who has retired. Read more about Nancy here. [Full Story Here]

NCRN Fall Meeting Will be Held in New York City

NCRN will host its Fall meeting September 11-12 in New York City at the ILR NYC Conference Center on 16 East 34th Street. [Read Story Here]

NCRN Spring Meeting at the U.S. Census Bureau
The NCRN Spring meeting will be held at the U.S. Census Bureau in Suitland, MD. The eight nodes of the NSF-Census Research Network (NCRN) are holding a technical mini-symposium on Thursday and Friday, May 22-23, 2014.  There are two half-day sessions and breakout sessions Thursday afternoon. Please send any comments or suggested changes you have of the draft agenda to Lars or Alan withing the next three weeks.[Full Story Here]
